Fund Our Work and Watch The Ripples Go Out image

Fund Our Work and Watch The Ripples Go Out

Free Me Up To Think And Teach Untethered

$19,210 raised

$20,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

This year, a central theme keeps running through my mind; I am free to think, study, pray, challenge, and collaborate because you trust me, encourage me, and financially support this work.

None of this work is possible without you including the hundreds of coffees and lunches, where I have been a listening ear and a challenging voice, as pastor at large. And then there are our Jackie Always Unplugged podcasts where more than 10,0000 listeners from around the world tuned into our Body Image series this year.

Again, I am free to think, study, pray, challenge, podcast, and collaborate solely because of your encouragement and financial support. The result is a ripple effect started by your faithful support.